Time-Based Visualizations

Table of Contents

Time-based visualizations are visualizations that display data along a time axis. The time axis can be displayed either vertically or horizontally.

The available time-based visualizations are:


All of these visualizations have several interactions in common. Some of these interactions can be configured on the Common Settings Tab of the Dashboard Window.

Use the mouse wheel or the scroll bar to scroll the view.
Use Ctrl + mouse wheel or the +–Buttons in the bottom right corner to zoom.

In the default mode, click and drag to set a certain area as the current marking. Ctrl-click and drag to add a certain area to the current marking. Alt-click and drag to remove a certain area from the current marking. How marking works exactly can be heavily influenced by the specific common settings, i.e. "cursor mode", "couple cursors", "marking mode" and "mark in all tables".

Note that, if cursors are coupled, the marking will be changed in all displayed visualizations. If the cursors are not coupled, the marking change will only occur in the visualization in which the click and drag operation is performed.

If visualizations are not aggregated, it is possible to shift a data table in comparison to the other tables. Use Shift + click and drag to shift a displayed table. Note that shifting does not only influence the visualization but actually changes the base data, meaning that all analyses and visualizations that are connected to the source data node are affected by such a change. This can be useful, if certain events in the data need to be aligned.

Common Settings

There are some common settings that apply only to time-based visualizations.

Cursor Mode
Determines, how the cursor in the visualizations can be moved. By standard, it can be moved by both mouse and keyboard. It can also be set to react to either mouse or keyboard input exclusively. This is especially helpful if precise operations with the keyboard need to be done and moving the mouse interferes with the cursor. Please note that in keyboard mode, the visualization needs to have keyboard focus, which can be achieved by clicking on the desired visualization with the mouse. In Keyboard mode, the cursor can be moved with the cursor keys. Holding down the Shift key will create a marking. Holding Ctrl+Shift will add to an existing marking, holding Alt will remove from an existing marking.
Keyboard Row Jump
The cursor is advanced this many data rows for each keyboard press (cursor keys).
Couple Cursors
Couple the cursors in all visualizations in the dashboard window. If active, the cursors in all windows will be at the same position in the data all the time. Deactivating this options makes it possible to mark different areas in different visualization windows.
Marking Mode
Determines, how markings are created when using the mouse. If the marking mode is "Drag", markings are created by dragging the mouse while holding down a mouse button. If the marking mode is "Click", the area between two consecutive clicks in a visualization gets marked.
Mark In All Tables
If this option is activated, a current marking created in a visualization applies to all tables, not only those that are currently visible. Let's assume you have five participants, and two are currently selected in the input selection of a Line Graph. If this option is disabled, marking an area in the linegraph will create a marking on those two participants. If this option is enabled, the same data rows of all five participants will be marked. This option is only available if Couple Cursors is true.
Configure the orientation of the visualizations. "vertical" will display the time along the vertical axis, "horizontal" will display the time along the horizontal axis.
Configures the background color of the visualizations. This setting applies only to visualizations that do not draw their own backgrounds, such as line graphs and drill down. The background is not drawn by the visualization itself, and therefore it becomes possible to "manually aggregate" visualizations by dragging and dropping two visualization window onto each other. This is not possible for visualizations that have to draw the background themselves, because the topmost visualization will draw over the lower visualizations.

Marking Context Menu

Time-based visualizations (with the exception of the film strip) display markings, if they are enabled in the workflow explorer. These can be the current marking, other stored markings or markings ouput by analysis nodes. The context menu of a visualization contains a submenu for each marking under the mouse, containing the following items:

New Analysis
Create a new analysis that has the marking node as an input, i.e. that analyzes only the data covered by the marking.
New Visualization
Create a new visualization that has the marking node as an input, i.e. that visualizes only the data covered by the marking.
Set as Current Marking
Change the current marking to cover exactly the same data as this marking. This option is only available if the marking is not already the current marking.
Create a new marking node in the markings column of the workflow explorer that outputs a marking covering exactly the same data as this marking.
Hide Marking
Hide the display of this marking from all visualization windows. This option has the same effect as unchecking the checkbox of the node that originates this marking in the workflow explorer.
Delete Source Node
Delete the node that originates this marking. This has the same effect as deleting the node in the workflow explorer.
Export to File
Export the data covered by this marking to one or several files.
