Marking Adaptation

The marking adaptation node creates a marking based on an already existing marking, e.g. by adding a certain amount of time at the start or end of each sequence in the marking. Consequently, the input for a marking adaptation node must always be a marking.

A common use case is to mark a certain time before a specific signal, e.g. if you want to investigate the behaviour of the participants before a certain event. In such a case, use a sequence search or value search to find the signal, and then adapt the output of the search node with a marking adaptation.


The output of a marking adaptation is always a marking. The marking adaptation does not change the input marking, it creates a new marking based on the input marking.


The marking adaptation node does not allow aggregation, as the output marking always has to refer to the same base data as the input marking.


Extension Unit:
Extend by a specific time or by number of data columns.
Time Column:
The time column used for time-dependent adaptations. Note that the following options use the same time unit as this column, when "Extension Unit" is "Time". When this column contains a time in a TimeStamp or DateTime format, the following options use seconds as their time unit.
Mark Before Start:
Mark this much time / this many data rows before each sequence in the marking.
Mark After Start:
Mark this much time / this many data rows after the start of each sequence in the marking.
Keep Middle (Source):
If selected, keep the source sequences, else discard them. If this option is selected, "Mark After Start" and "Mark Before End" are deactivated, because the data rows that would be marked by those options are already included in the source rows.
Mark Before End:
Mark this much time / this many data rows before the end of each sequence in the marking.
Mark After End:
Mark this much time / this many data rows after each sequence in the marking.
